David Mair
Senior Vice President of Business Development
David Mair is the newest member of the International Hospital Corporation executive team, joining the company as Senior Vice President responsible for business development and international patient programs in 2018. He brings a rich experience to IHC from more than 30 years working with people seeking medical care solutions outside their home communities.
David is a recognized international health medical care risk management, benefits and insurance executive. He is the founding partner of Soter Healthcare, Inc., a global health care firm that designs and delivers global medical care, risk management and insurance solutions for individuals and organizations. At Soter Healthcare, David designed benefit plans and direct contract arrangements for employer groups taking advantage of a global network of hospitals. He brings the blend of international destination healthcare experience, cost control, financial relief, and access to medical centers of excellence to his current role with IHC.
He began his executive career with the United States Olympic Committee, where he designed and directed of the USOC’s health insurance program for America’s Olympic athletes for more than a decade. During his tenure, he was responsible for assisting athletes locate and access medical care around the world. He was involved with the insurance plan for athletes in seven Olympic Games and more than 100 international championship events.
David Mair is a Former President of the Risk & Insurance Management Society and the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. He is also a published author and accomplished speaker. He testified before Congress and state legislatures on health and risk management issues and speaks at conferences around world. His comments have appeared in The Economist, the New York Times, the Washington Post, National Public Radio & have been heard on radio stations in the US, Canada, and the United Kingdom.